Samstag, 28. Mai 2011

Dachau and Munich

On Thursday it was off to Munich. First we headed to the memorial of the Dachau concentration camp. As sad and somber as it is to see everything there I think it’s definitely an unbelievable experience. The tour was through the prisoner camp which we learned was only a very small portion of the camp. All of the original cabins that the prisoners lived in were gone but there were two reconstructed buildings to get a sense of the tight quarters. There also were plots to show where all the buildings once stood. Now there are a lot of memorials throughout the camp. It makes visiting the camp more focused around remembering those who died there, instead of being geared towards a shock value. Not that there wasn’t the shock of the complete brutality of the camp but at some point it’s important to get past the pointing the fingers and focus remembering those who were victims of this tragedy.
This gate is authentic, but the door is a replica. The words on the door are the same as it was when the camp was in use:
"Work Will Set You Free"
The orginal bunk houses aren't here any more, but these plots marked out in concrete show were they used to stand.
One important thing to remember about Dachau is it was the first concentration camp to open. I find this important to remember because this is more or less where it all started. All the other camps that were opened after Dachau were modeled after it. Dachau was never used as an extermination or death camp but still the experience is intense. I think for me mostly because like I had just mentioned, Dachau was the first one and things only got worse from there.
I’m going to keep it short and sweet about Dachau. But I got a book all about it so if you’re interested in that you’re welcome to look through it. J
This was kind of cool. It is the audio guide we got to used on the tour. The map had different numbers and when you got to that number and wanted to hear about it you typed in the number and pressed play and then you hold the device to your ear and listen.
Afterwards we headed towards downtown Munich to get food and do some shopping! Munich is really pretty. It has the hussle and bussle of a big city with all the old German buildings and castle like buildings. I like it. Replace the metal skyscrapers in Chicago with castles? Yes Please! As we were walking to dinner we saw yet another rally. This one was about education (what a coincidence!) They were protesting the cost of higher education… Maybe we should have gone up there and told them how much we pay for college Only joking. But seriously, they’re schooling is supposed to be free but I guess they have different fees or cost they aren’t happy with.
After dinner we did some shopping. There were lots and lots of souvenir shops where we walked which was fun. We definitely didn’t have enough time to shop, especially since the shops started closing down early, some even before 7:30. And guess who saw a cute little side purse that she absolutely loved and decided she was going to get on the way back to the car but couldn’t because the stand was closed by the time she walked back. Yep that’s right, this girl! Oh well I’m over it.
Here’s a few pics of the city:
See what I mean? Cool old building in the middle of the city. The protest was going on right outside of it.

Another random fun thing, the restuarant we at, look what I found at the bottom of my glass:

That's all for now, I need a nap! I'm exhausted. Hopefully later today I will find time to add a post about the Lichenstein Castle we saw on  Friday.


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