Montag, 23. Mai 2011

Sunday: Horse Farm and Mineral Bath

Our second day on our free weekend was another busy one, well at least for Emily and me. We drove about an hour away with Bettina and  her two kids, Lela and Tristan to a horse farm that gives tours. This was the official stable of the state of Von Vutenburg. At the barn they raised Warm Bloods, Full Bloods and Arabians. They also had one breed of horse that was native to the area that they breeding in hopes to preserve the breed.  It was really cool to see all the mares and their foals. Here’s an adorable video of some of the warm blood babies playing:
And also a short video of a foal playing around, He’s running around his mom. How cute!
Another thing that was interesting (I’m sure only you other horse people will find it interesting) was how they fed the horses. When it was time to bring the horses in the person called to them and they came into a  run-in barn which didn’t have any stalls it was all just open. Then they all just stood their while the handler one by one tied the horses to a cross tie on the wall. The babies went back and forth from standing in the middle to going by their mom. Now this would have never happened with my horses I know for sure. There would have been kicking and fighting for the food. Here’s a part of the video of this. I didn’t get the whole thing, I wish I could of!

After we got back from the tour we all head to this spa/pool down the street from the hotel. We went swimming in a mineral bath. This was quite an interesting experience.
1. The water was warm. Warmer then a regular pool but not hot hot like a hot tube. It felt like bathwater. It was great! After the climbing park and all the walking around we’ve been doing the warm bath felt like heaven.
2. The water had minerals in it so it tasted almost salty. It also seemed to be easier to float in since the water was thicker from the minerals.
3.  There were colorful lights in and around the pool that changed colors every once and awhile. It made the water look cool.
4. (and my most favorite!) They played music, UNDER THE WATER! I had never heard of that before but it was awesome!
5. Let’s just say Europeans definitely seem much more comfortable with nudity.
We finished off the night with a CurryWurst which is a bratwurst cut up and cover in warmed ketchup with curry sauce mixed in and  then some ice cream J

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