Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011


Friday we went to the Castle in Ludwigsburg. Our tour guide told us (and we could tell by our aching feet) that this is the longest castle tour in Germany. The tour was about an hour and a half. There are over 400 rooms in the castle and we saw 70 rooms…. Imagine if we were to see all of them… Eep! Well the castle was really pretty. Not only is it the longest castle tour but it is also supposed to the most authentic and well preserved castle.
 It is decorated in Baroque and Rococo (says the tour guide).
It is decorated in Gorgeousness (says me).
I won’t ramble on in this post and instead just show you some pictures:
The King's quarters. Seems like a tiny bed, right? Well it is, especially if youre around 7ft tall like one of the kings was.
This was the queen's quarters. The striped chair is the chamber pot... cool right?
This is in the theater, they would bring pull the chandeller up through the whole to light the candles.
There was a room of all mirrors... You know I just couldn't resist!
Okay so this has nothing to do with the castle but I'm throwing it in here anyways. These cigarette machines are all over. There's one place where you swipe your driver's liscense to prove you are old enough to buy them and then another place where you insert money or a credit card. Cool Huh?
After the castle tour we went to this fairy tale park. You walk around to different stations and watch/ look at different displays of German versions of the grim fairy tale stories. They seemed very similar to American fairy tales. There was a Cinderella story, little red riding hood, Rumpelstiltskin, and Rapunzel. Although, some of the stories seemed maybe a little more violent or less cheery than the American stories.  Sadly I ran out of batteries half way through the park. But here are some pictures of the different stations that I got to before the camera died.
Rapunzel, and a couple is taking their wedding pictures next to it... awh!
Guess what this one is?^^^

All day we were battling the off and on rain, again… thankfully I have learned my lesson and had both an umbrella and a jacket. Look at me, I’m learning!
We finally finished at the Fairy tale park and took the train back into Stuttgart. Ina, Bettina’s friend’s daughter, who is 18, so around our age, came with us and we did a little shopping. Okay maybe shopping is the wrong word. For me it was more like, look at all the wonderful clothes I wish I could buy lol. We also got crepes at a crepe stand. It was delicious. I got one that was banana and nutella. YUM!
Later that night Ina was supposed to show us a club that her and her friends go to. Woho party with the locals! But she had to work at 5am the next morning and after walking around we were all pretty tired. So what better alternative than FOOD! We got a doner again, well because it’s that awesome.  Afterwards we headed back to the hotel and SLEPT.
I <3 sleep.  

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